
Friday, 10 July 2015

Listing Your Events in the Knowledge Graph

What festivals are happening this summer near me? Where can I catch a jazz concert, see a comedy show, find a performance of MacBeth, or participate in a 5K race? Millions of users ask Google questions about upcoming events every day — but to answer those questions well, Google needs structured data directly from the most authoritative websites for each event.
This documentation describes how event organizers, performers, venues, ticketers, and hosting platforms can participate directly in Google’s new event search features.

How Google gathers event listings

Watch this tutorial video to learn how you can promote your events by marking up web pages using structured data. Then read the detailed instructions, tailored to what kind of site your events are listed on:
  • Performers, including musical artists, comedians, and theater groups
  • Event Venues, such as concert halls, theaters, and schools
  • Primary Ticketers, who sell official ticket inventory on behalf of venues
Event listings from other types of websites, such as event aggregators and secondary ticketers, should also be marked up in order to power Event Rich Snippets today and other features in the future.

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